Australian musician PG Naylor’s retro-inspired rocker “Eyes On The Moon” is a catchy, upbeat tribute to a bygone era that still inspires the music of today. Describing himself as an “authentic baby boomer,” Naylor proudly mines the sounds of his youth on “Eyes on the Moon.”
With fun lyrics, highly competent performance, and not-over-the-top production, “Eyes on the Moon” is a very listenable experience, especially for those inclined to the sounds of the 1960s and 1970s. A blistering guitar solo in the middle of the song demonstrates the guitarist's prowess on the instrument, no doubt honed over many years of playing.
A visit to his website reveals that PG Naylor, the songwriter is also the frontman of The Quiet Ones, a band from Sydney who have been playing on and off since 1964. A little more research reveals that the contribution with the guitar for The Quiet Ones and Naylor’s almost all solo works, are in fact by the internationally-acclaimed Australian retro-rock guitarist, Kim Humpheys. Such a well-practiced rhythm section were behind the tight instrumental arrangement on “Eyes on the Moon.”
That “Eyes on the Moon” is fundamentally a good song should be no surprise. Besides having decades of experience, Naylor has been recognized as a semi-finalist in Nashville’s International Songwriting Competition, and Australia’s Voyager International Songwriting Competition for the title track of his album Sanctuary.
I hope PG Naylor has more where “Eyes on the Moon” came from because the fun romp that this song represents clearly shows that the 60s may be past, but they’re far from over.
Listen to "Eyes on the Moon" on Spotify here -
You can check out PG Naylor’s website here: