I have to say my ears weren’t prepared to experience ASTRAKHAN’s “Propaganda” from their latest album Retrospective. The track starts off quite technical. Synths on synths galore. But wait! After the electronic intro comes a thunder of heavy guitars and metal-genre drums. This song definitely has a lot to say.
I wouldn’t even call this metal…Propaganda has so much character and sounds from other genres that it almost feels jazzy/funky to some degree. No idea how they came up with transforming a, seemingly funky acoustic bass sounding run into a growling synth that sits just parallel to the drums.
I would pay to see this band…and I don’t say that often. My only pet-peeve is the vocalists legacy timbre, a 90s reminiscent fad. Other than that, I salute this track and I salute the inventiveness of this band to further the annals of synth-metal-rock types. The album, Retrospective, is out now and ready to grip you!
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/astrakhan_official